Business Management

Posted: December 10th, 2013

On this order the topic must be on Business management, it must have an abstract, introduction, and a conclusion. Please read all the instructions carefully
1-2 page Word document
Details: Research and create a preparation outline in Microsoft Word for a 10-15 minute presentation in Unit 4 on a topic of personal interest as explained by your instructor. Follow the required outline format for a preparation outline. Please click here to download the required outline format.

Follow these steps to complete your assignment:

1.Pick a topic of personal interest as explained by your instructor.
2.Research information on this topic.
3.Determine the purpose of your presentation. Your group and the instructor will be the intended audience.
4.You will need enough material for 10 PowerPoint slides for the Unit 3 IP and a 10–15 minute presentation for the Unit 4 Group Project.
5.Organize your presentation ideas in a logical sequence for your purpose, using the required outline format.
6.Create an outline including a specific purpose, a central idea, an introduction, a substantial body with supporting material, transitions between sections, and a conclusion.
7.Include APA style citations and a list of references. You must have a minimum of three credible sources.
Read Research and Outline Basics and Introduction to APA Style for more specific information on this process.
Objective: •Demonstrate appropriate and effective techniques in written and verbal formats to prepare and deliver presentations, including the effective use of research, organization, visual aids, and APA citations.
•Demonstrate effective strategies and critical thinking skills in preparing presentations in a variety of delivery modes and team work.
•Demonstrate the critical communication competencies of style and content in the context of human interaction

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