
Posted: December 10th, 2013



  Grade Level: 4A

Classroom Type: regular education


II.         Developing Standards for Classroom Behavior    Chapter 6

  • Discuss how you will develop and teach the items below.
  • Include a description of teacher behavior in these responses.

A.  Classroom Rules

1. Development

2. Teaching

B.  Classroom Procedures

1. Development

2. Teaching

  1. III.             Enhancing Student’s Motivation to Learn    Chapter 7
  • Discuss how you will provide instruction that will enable students to experience the areas noted below. 
  • Include at least one activity or concept in each area.  This could be either from the textbook or one that you currently use in your classroom.
  • Include a description of teacher behavior in these responses.
  1. A.    Be Actively Involved in the Learning Process
  2. B.    Experience Success
  3. C.    Receive Realistic and Immediate Feed Back That Enhances Self Efficacy
  4. D.    Receive Instruction Responsive to Student’s Learning Styles and Special Abilities.
  5. E.    Be involved in Self-Evaluating One’s Learning and Effort.

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